Just Another Little Things You Don't Know About Me

Rabu, 04 Desember 2013

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris dengan Tema Hukuman Mati


Good afternoon. Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah the Almighty God, now I can stand here in front of you. At this moment we can meet in good condition. Thank you for the opportunity, brothers and sisters.
Ladies and gentleman, Indonesia is rich, we know it, everyone know it. Right, we have energy sources which abundant, natural resource spread everywhere, tourism potential ranging from the faces of the beautiful beaches of diverse cultures, we have all. But how could all of that potential could be maximized if the state is still sick? What will you do when you are sick? You would be seeing and trying to recover. We must apply the death penalty for corruptors, first what's the difference between corruptor and terrorists? Terrorists kill? Yes .. corruptor? Yes .. (indirectly) terrorists breaking the law? Yes .. corruptor? yes .. but what? Terrorist sentenced to death but not with corruptor, even some of them are living in a luxury cell. Second, Indonesia should provide a strong and fair verdict against corruption. The society has become tired to find and witness that the corruptors who have corrupted billions just only get two years period in prison while a thief who get caught stealing chicken get five years sentence. Third, to solve and stop officials from corrupting people’s money is only by giving a death penalty. This will give wary effect to the officials not to do corruptions anymore.
Then when people would ask, should the death penalty for corruptors to run is not that violate human rights? And if people are having fun with the money of treason against his country, suffocating millions of poor people was not a violation of human rights? It's when we let these people stay there is a moral violations, because we're so sorry for people who do not know love.
However, we have to think about the people who have become the victims of corruption. Since corruption can not be vanished, society needs the definite move from the government, so the society trusts that the government has run a clean and transparent administration. Of course before sentence a corruptor, there are several perspectives. First is the quality of corruption. How much numbers are corrupted and we have to see whether the person is a serial corruptor. Second, the perspective that should be assessed is the perpetrator’s responsibility whether it is a strategic or not. The last perspective is whether he is the main perpetrator and committed to do corruption. If those points are confirmed, in my opinion, the death penalty may become the main option.
Thank’s for your attention.

Menjelang Perpisahan Sekolah

Perpisahan itu akan selalu ada, karena kita pernah berjumpa, bersama, dalam canda tawa bahagia. Setiap tetes air mata yang tertumpah di hari ini, akan menjadi saksi atas jalinan ukhuwah yang selama ini kita simpul seerat-eratnya. Tak ada kata yang pantas terucap kawan, hanya derai bahagia yang selau bertaburan, mengucap selamat jalan untuk melanjutkan perjalanan, di tempat yang baru yang akan menjadi jarak pertemuan kita.

Hari ini, jiwa dan naluri kita kembali terluka atas perpisahan raga. Namun percayalah kawan, hati kita akan selalu terikat. Jalinan ukhuwahnya akan semakin erat. Semakin jauh ragamu melangkah, semakin hatimu mendekat. Tidak usah terlalu bersedih, kawan. Berbahagialah, karena engkau akan menemukan suasana yang baru, bukan disini lagi, tapi disana. Cukuplah setiap kenangan yang telah kita tanam, akan menjadi kenangan yang tumbuh subur, menyemaikan benih-benih cita diantara kita. Karena kita tak harus disini, kita tak harus selalu bersama, kita harus melanjutkan langkah ini, yang siap untuk kita tapaki.

Perkuat langkahmu, kawan. Yakinkan diri dan hatimu, hari esok pasti lebih cerah, hari esok adalah harapan yang harus diraih. Pandang senyumnya yang lebar, tatap wajahnya yang ceria, hari esok pasti lebih bahagia. Yakinlah kawan, cinta dan cita kita akan selalu bersatu. Kita akan bersatu selamanya, dalam cahaya persahabatan ini.

Kawan, segala rindu yang akan muncul, segala nafas yang akan berhembus, segala harapan yang akan kita raih, segala langkah yang akan kita ayunkan, yakinlah disana ada kebahagiaan, disana ada kebekahan, dan disana pasti ada cinta.

Kawan, biarkan aliran air mata ini jatuh sesukanya, biarkan dia mengalir mengucap kata seindah-indahnya. Biarkan dia, karena air mata tak berarti sedih, air mata tak berarti duka. Air mata adalah juga lambang bahagianya hati. Biarkan dia menemani kita di hari ini. Biarkan, karena dia memang lahir untuk ini, untuk sebuah perpisahan....

Sajak Sunda


Iuh tanjung seungitna marganing wuyung
Liuh indung
perbawa nu cadu nundung
Mun di dunya ngan aya indung jeung bapa
Bakal bisa ngawasa sajagat raya
Ngan indung memeh miang dielingan
Lamun hirup ngan ngumbar karep sorangan
Temahna poho ka indung
Kaduhung nunggu di tuntung
Nya hanjakal bakal jadi incu cikal

Salapan bulan ngakandung
Moal aya hiji jalma leuwih ti indung micinta
Indung gudang hampura
Salapan bulan dikandung
Moal aya hiji jalma leuwih ti anak rumasa
Anak gudang dosa
Salapan bulan ngakandung
Pinuh rasa jeung rumasa
Salapan bulan dikandung
Pinuh dosa
jeung rumasa